Real love. Real issues. Real solutions.

Real love. Real issues. Real solutions.
Real love. Real issues. Real solutions.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


War On Terror: Since we got ourselves into an ill advised War with Iraq, rather than declaring all out War against Terrorists, and Terrorists Organizations and their support groups, we have no choice but to do what we have to do to win this War. A war against Terrorist Organizations and their Cells. This is a War, we cannot and must not lose. We have to stop fighting one Terrorist Organization at a time. We must hit all simultaneously, consistently and with great force and vigor. They must not be given a chance, or opportunity, to revamp, retreat, or to communicate with each other. We must go on the Offensive, and forget about being on the Defensive. Unfortunately, we must strike them before they strike us. Because, the element of surprise must now, and always, be on our side.

It is time to let them squirm. We know, or have a damn good idea, who and where they are. Hit them. Make no mistake: This is War. The War of Wars. We need, and must apply, new rules of engagement. Let the media know what is happening after it has already happened. We too often, let our right hand know what our left hand is doing. We have never, before, fought a War like this, and can learn a lot about combating Terrorism from Israel.

We should, at this time, only made modest changes in Social Security. Because, we cannot afford the expense of an entire overhaul of the system. Social Security should have been the first order of business with regards to the surplus. President Bush and his administration was too quick to squander the surplus on their Rich and Affluent cohorts. That money should have been used for social security, our infrastructure, law enforcement, military, creation of small businesses and job incentives for big businesses. Again: The Republicans squanders it. The Democrats must replenish it. Yet, the Republicans are the party of small government?

Despite what the Politicians are saying, they will have to bring back the Draft. We have taken it upon ourselves to, voluntarily police the world and force democracy down any and everyone's throat. Therefore, we better have the man power to accomplish this task here and abroad. We are in dire need of man power. And the sooner we start drafting them, the sooner we can start training them. But, knowing the Powers that Be, it will be too little too late. And by avoiding, or prolonging the inevitable, it will put the free world at risk. Moreover, the draft will lower unemployment. Give those that are incarcerated, of non violent offenses, an option to clear their record by serving in the military for four years. Hire more men and women to protect and secure or borders. Furthermore, make it more lucrative for youngsters to join the national guards, the military, FBI, CIA, etc. We must recruit more interpreters that are familiar with all Islamic and Asian dialects. We must never be caught with our pants down, in this area, again. Moreover, machines cannot replace the man on the street. We must never, ever take the undercover agents out of any country again. This should prove that technology, like everything else, has it's limits. Sooner, or later, we will be confronted with Iran, N. Korea and, maybe, China. It is mandatory that we always keep the door open to diplomacy. We cannot fight the world, no matter have much might we think that we and our allies might have. We, and our allies, must voluntarily come down from our bully pulpits, or, the rest of the world will knock us off of them.

We must be vigilant in monitoring and auditing all non-profit and charitable organizations. Beware, of anyone, buying money orders in large amounts and in large quantities. Beware, of all the Islamic stores that are opening on every other corner in a lot of neighborhoods. I am being a realist, not an idealist. This is War. I would rather be cautious today, than sorry tomorrow. And a special note to my fellow African-Americans and Black-Americans: If you think for one moment that the Islamics care about you, then I have a bridge to sell. So, don't you think that this is just the White-Man's War. It's everyone's War. Period. Too many of them have nothing but contempt for the African-American, and especially, the Black-American.

The Federal government and the President must be held legally, politically, morally and monetarily responsible for not securing our borders and infrastructure. This is a constitutional violation and should be a reason for impeachment. Why the ACLU, RAINBOW/PUSH, NAACP and all the grassroots organizations have not sued the Federal government for not enforcing the immigration laws and encouraging and preventing other law enforcement officials and agencies from doing so is beyond comprehension. This is why the American public must wake up. With politicians, it is: In Votes We Trust. What does the safety of the American people have to do with it. These politicians must be voted out of office. They work for us, not the other way around. It is time we let them know that they are Fired.

Now. Since the politicians got us into this War with Iraq - don't you think it is time that they let the General fight the War, and not the politicians. Mr. C. Powell should have been Secretary of Defense from the beginning. And, Ms. C. Rice should have been Secretary of State from the beginning. Please, President W. Bush, let the military and it's generals fight the War. Trust me: you have done enough.

And, to all the bleeding heart liberally who care more about the rights of the poor illegal immigrants, terrorists and the likes, let me leave you with this thought: If you are that concerned, pack your bags, withdraw your money, sell all you have, and go be with them. Or, better still, take them in and support them. Let me know in a year, how you were treated by them. Put you money, and your life, where your mouth is. I dare you.

by Mr. Johnnie Newkirk Jr.

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