Real love. Real issues. Real solutions.

Real love. Real issues. Real solutions.
Real love. Real issues. Real solutions.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Abortion: One must accept responsibility for their actions, and be held accountable, also, for said actions. Sex is no exception. If one decides to engage in sex, that is within their rights. If one decides not to practice safe- sex, that is, also, within their rights. And if one wants to engage in un-protected sex, they have the a right to do so, as well. Now you get the news that you're pregnant, and you're now deciding what you should do. You decide to have an abortion, because that's convenient for you. All of the other decisions were within your rights. This decision, however, involves another life. A life created by God, through you. And it should, also, have rights. A life created by decisions, and acts, or lack thereof, that were made my you, as stated above. This is what I mean by being responsible and accountable. Everyone wants the government to stay out of their bedroom, and they should.

Yet, these same individuals want the government to foot the bill and assist them in destroying life, life that was created by said individuals, in that bedroom, that same bedroom that they say the government has no business in. If a woman decides to have an abortion, then let her pay for it. Then it becomes and issues between her, and, her God.The government, nor anyone else, under these circumstances, should not have anything to say, or be involved in any way. And those that argue that the poor cannot afford to pay for an abortion, then the poor should consider this: There are too many places, in the community, where condoms are given out for free. There are, also, too many stores in the community where condoms are sold at affordable prices. And there are other ways of engaging in sex that will not result in preg- nancy. And if any of those alternative are considered "im- moral" by you, than abortion should be on that list, as well as, premarital sex. I am an advocate of free choice. But, like eveything else, it comes with responsibility and accountability which, also, means picking up one's own tab. It was "you" who played, and it should be "you" that pay.

by Mr. Johnnie Newkirk Jr.

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